Where the Heart of Cultural Interweaving Beats Passionately

Surround yourself with noble materials.
Celebrate the skills of artisans from all over the world, adding a touch of modern flair.
Let lively colors brighten up your life.
Transform your living space into the perfect spot for daydreaming and escape. 

Timeless Pieces

Throws, sofa-covers and bedspreads

Our blankets and bedspreads are essential for warming your bed or creating... 

The Little Ones Studio

Le Studio des Petits, the children’s collection from Studio Matongé, is a... 

  • Détails du plaid indigo en ndop vintage pur coton - 1ère pièce de la collection NAMTCHEMA par Studio Matongé qui rassemble une série de pièces uniques confectionnées à la main à partir de pièces de ndop vintage chinées.

    Blue Note

    Essential and timeless, indigo shades continue to captivate us, whether new or vintage, originating from Africa or other regions of the world.
    They share a commonality in the numerous traditional hand-made tie-dye techniques, the quality of cotton or linen fabrics, and the deep blue of natural indigo, enhanced by unique patterns with strong symbolism, crafted by talented artisans.

  • Housses de coussins en bogolan de coton bio, modèle KUTU. Disponible en différentes tailles et formats. Ici en formlat rectangle et carré 30 x 50 cm et 40 x 40 cm

    The Essence of Mudcloth

    Embrace the mystical allure of mudcloth, a sacred fabric with protective properties for those who wear it, enchanting a growing global audience.

    Organic cotton, natural dyes, designs infused with ancestral and shamanic symbolism... learn about the secrets of creating these unique pieces.

  • Doudous longues pattes. Lion, buffle, éléphant, crocodile, chien, léopard, koala, tigre, girafe, singe, zèbre, etc. retrouvez l'ensemble de notre gamme de doudous longues pattes, faits main par la coopérative Kenana Knitters. En coton bio tout doux certifié GOTS. Utilisables dès la naissance.

    Kenana Knitters talented hands

    Charmingly delightful and playful, hand-dyed and hand-woven organic wool or cotton Kenana Knitters' plush toys capture the hearts of kids and grown-ups alike.
